5125 Grandview Road, Hanover, PA 17331

Admissions of students without regard to race, color, or religion


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5125 Grandview Rd

Hanover, PA 17331

7:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Monday to Friday


[email protected]

5125 Grandview Rd

Hanover, PA 17331

7:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Monday to Friday



Children express their feelings and ideas about the real world and the world of imagination through vaious types of media.  As they learn to express their own feelings, they learn to appreciate ways in which other express themselves.

Art Objectives:

  • To develop the principles of Art-line, texture, color, shape, etc.
  • To expose the child to various art forms and styles
  • To familiarize the students with artists and art history
  • To allow for creativity in the student’s own expression of art

Elementary Band

In elementary band, students in fourth through eighth grade begin their instruction on various band instruments.  Students are taught essential elements of instrumental performance, including proper breathing techniques, embouchure, hand and body positioning, tone producation, and rhythmic accuracy

Family and Consumer Science

Family and Consumer Sciences is an academic discipline that combines aspects of socail and natural science.  deals with the relationship between individual, families, and communities and the environment in which they live.  The field reprsents many disciplines, including (but not limited to) consumer science, nutrition, food preparation, parenting, early childhood education, family economics and resource management, human development, interior design, textiles, apparel design, as well as other related subjects.  Family and Consumer Sciences education is viewed as the focus of individuals and families living in society throughout their lifespan.  Other topics such as sexual education, food management, bullying prevention, friendships, and fire prevention might be covered. Family and Consumer Sciences is also known as Human Sciences, Health, or Home Economics, though these terms are used for several disciplines.  Family and Consumer Sciences courses are extremely valuable to a student’s education.  They teach life skills that relate directly to the real world.


Saint Joseph School is constantly investigating and executing strategies that incoporate appropriate competer, multimedia, and related informational technologies into the curriculum and administrative processes.  In light of all of our cross-curricular needs and multimedia approaches in our modern world, we have rolled our Technology and Library classes into one subject:  Media.  In this special for our Kindergarten through eighth grades, our students are engaging in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) projects.  STEM classes are a learner-centered approach to teaching that integrates these four disciplines in an interdisciplinary way.  STEM classes help students develop skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, and teamwork.

Technology and Computer Education Objectives:

  • To acquaint students with state-of-the-art technology
  • To reinforce basic computer literacy
  • To utilize software in CAI, Computer Assisted Instruction, across the curriculum
  • To provide opportunities for students to become skilled in using technology by teaching them to collect, graph, organize, and present data
  • To use the computer as a creative problem-solving tool
  • To utilize technology equipment for school-wide communication
  • To teach structured logical thinking through coding/programming


Music requires students to be creative, disciplined, flexible, and work collaboratively with others.  Music helps students to explore the emotions that various songs or types of music bring them.  It helps them articulate what they feel and why.  Through exploring music of other cultures, students see the world through another’s eyes and appreciate different ways of thinking and living.

Musica Objectives:

  • To help students differentiate their speaking and singing voice
  • To teach students to keep a steady beat
  • To use games and activities to teach simple sings
  • To help students sing in harmony
  • To teach reading and recognition of different music styles
  • To familiarize student with different stages of music, composers, and the history of music
  • Tp applly the knowledge of music theory through the use of recorders and rhythm instruments
  • To develop advanced skills in playing instruments
  • To offer performance opportunities, such as a Christmas show, talent show, and choir

Physical Education

If a child is to be successful in school and in lifes, he/she should be strong, healthy, disciplined, and active.  It is through such activity that growth occurs and physical and mental coordination develops.  Our physical education rpogram helps students to be successful in achieving the objsectives of our school’s curriculum.

Physical Education Objectives:

  • To teach the students basic calisthenics with sequential skill development
  • To develop a healthy spirit of competition and a spirit of enthusiasm
  • To present and develop understanding of rules and regulations
  • To develop self-confidence in the student as well as a spirit of independence
  • To integrate movement within other areas of the curriculum
  • To teach the student the basics in hygiene and health care


This introductory course explores basic grammar and communication through listening, reading, speaking, and writing.  It emphasizes clear pronunciation, vocabulary building, the study of grammatical patterns and expressions, and idiomatic usages that prepare students to function within the contexts relevant to everyday life.  Culture and geography are also integrated through readings, and supported and enhanced by multimedia.  This course continues the introduction of the fundamentals of Spanish grammar, emphasizing communication of basic topics such as travel, housing, the extended family, health, shopping, and technology.  The course stresses oral and written communication in the past, present, and future tenses and intrduces basci compoud tenses.  Further studies on the cultural heritage of Latin America and Spain enrich students’ understanding of the language.

Chastity and Theology of the Body

One of our primary areas of focus is to wrap our Catholic faith into our daily learning.  In particular, we wanted to choose programs that helped our children understand how our purpose as humans made in the image of God wraps into our bodies, and how they change and develop over time.  Students in fourth through eighth grades will receive lessons through a program called Formation in Christian Chastity.  The program reminds students to apply their Catholic faith in all relationships.  This program has parents as educators, working collaboratively with the school and pastor.  More information about this program can be found on the Diocese of Harrisburg’s website http://www.hbgdiocese.org

Theology is central to the curriculum at St. Joseph Catholic School.  Theology is the study of God, humanity, and the world, and how they relate to each other.  In elementary school, theology can be taught through a variety of approaches.  Personal daily witness to Christian living in the Roman Catholic tradition is emphasized.  Believing service is fundamental to genuine fatih, teachers afford opportunities for paryer and worship and for involvement in social action frequently.  The Diocesan Religion Curriculum can be found at the following link: hrrps://www.hbgdiocese.org/catholic-schools/religion-curriculum/

Theology of the Body:  Pope Saint John Paul II’s masterwork, The Theology of the Body (TOB), provides beautiful and compelling answers to the deepest questions we ask ourselves:  Who am I?  How can I be happy?  What is my ultimate destiny and how do I get there?  More information on TOB can be found at https://www.catholicwitness.org/why-did-god-make-us-what-is-our-purpose/