5125 Grandview Road, Hanover, PA 17331

Admissions of students without regard to race, color, or religion


[email protected]

5125 Grandview Rd

Hanover, PA 17331

7:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Monday to Friday


[email protected]

5125 Grandview Rd

Hanover, PA 17331

7:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Monday to Friday

School Uniforms

Neatness and cleanliness in personal attire are very much a part of a child’s education and are the responsibility of the parent.

Uniform Company Address:

Flynn & O’Hara Uniform Company
869 Eisenhower Boulevard
Harrisburg, PA 17111
Tele: (717) 939-5600

Students must wear uniforms

(Grades K– 8) Standard For All Boys
● Neat, well-groomed hair (no fad bleached/ colored/ tinted hair; no tails or fad haircuts; No shaved/partially shaved heads; Acceptable hair length…front: above the eyebrows, back and sides: above the shirt collar and at the bottom of the ear lobe)
● Watches may be worn (no smartwatches).
● No jewelry may be worn.
● No earrings may be worn.
● Appropriate underwear that fits properly underneath the uniform.
● School dress shoes must be worn. Color– plain black, brown, tan (No Sneakers, sport shoes, sandals, flip-flops, or boots).

Standard For All Girls
● Neat, well-groomed hair (May be only those colors which are genetically possible; no fad bleached/ colored/ tinted hair; no hair pieces)
● Hair bands– uniform plaid/plain colors
● Small earrings– one pair, at the traditional place on the ear (no large hoops; no dangling earrings)
​● Watches may be worn (no smartwatches).
● Other jewelry may not be worn.
● Colored nail polish and makeup may not be worn.
● Appropriate underwear that fits properly underneath the uniform.
● School dress shoes must be worn. Color– plain black, brown, tan (No sneakers, sport shoes, sandals, flip-flops, or boots).

● Uniform khaki pants with uniform hunter green knit polo shirt with embroidered school logo (long or short sleeve)
● Fall and Spring Uniform Option: May be worn from the 1st day of school through October 31st and from April 1st until the last day of school. Uniform khaki shorts with uniform hunter green knit polo shirt with embroidered school logo.
● Belts must be worn with pants that have loops
● White or tan socks- crew length (No sport socks)
● School dress shoes (Color– plain black, brown, tan) (No sneakers, sport shoes, sandals, flip flops, or shoe boots)

● Uniform green plaid skirt (worn close to the knee) or khaki skirt and uniform hunter green knit polo shirt with embroidered school logo (long or short sleeve)
● Uniform green plaid jumper and uniform white blouse with peter pan collar (long or short sleeve)
● Uniform khaki pants and uniform hunter green knit polo shirt with embroidered school logo (long or short sleeve)
● Fall and Spring Uniform Option: May be worn from the 1st day of school through October 31st and from April 1st until the last day of school. Uniform khaki shorts and uniform hunter green knit polo shirt with embroidered school logo (long or short sleeve).
● White or tan dress socks (knee high or crew length) or white tights
● Belts must be worn with pants that have loops

● Uniform khaki or green plaid kilt (worn close to the knee) and uniform hunter green knit polo shirt with embroidered school logo (long or short sleeve)
● Uniform khaki slacks and uniform hunter green knit polo shirt with embroidered school logo (long or short sleeve)
● Fall and Spring Uniform Option: May be worn from the 1st day of school through October 31st and from April 1st until the last day of school. Uniform khaki shorts and uniform hunter green knit polo shirt with embroidered school logo (long or short sleeve).
● White or tan dress socks (knee high or crew length) or white tights
● Belts must be worn with pants that have loops
● School dress shoes Color– plain black, brown, tan (No sneakers, sport shoes, sandals, flip-flops, or boots) Gray sweaters, cardigans, green half zip sweater, and vests will also be available for all students.

Worn to school on the day of gym class. The Uniform Gym T-shirt and Uniform Gym Shorts need to be ordered from the Flynn & O’Hara Uniform Company.
● Uniform Gym T-shirt with school logo
● Uniform mesh or cotton blend shorts with school logo
● Green sweat pants and Green sweatshirt– plain or with school logo (worn during cooler weather/Nov. 1st to Mar. 31st). Note: Can also be purchased from Athletic Spirit Wear Sale.
● White socks– crew socks or sport socks
● Sneakers (white, gray, black, or navy)
● No part of the gym uniform should be over-sized.
● Any girl with shoulder length or longer hair needed to have it up (pony tail, braids, pigtails, etc.) during class as per it being a safety issue. Failure to do so can be considered a uniform violation. In case of inclement weather when boots are necessary, shoes should be sent and worn in school.

Pre-K and preschool students may choose to wear either the school gym uniform, or nice regular clothing. For comfort and safety at play, Pre-K and preschool students should wear sneakers or other rubber-soled shoes. No dress up shoes, crocs, or other similar.

*Please label all clothing items with your child’s name, especially sweaters, sweatshirts, and coats.
*Uniforms must be worn on the first day of school and at all times unless special permission is given by the principal to omit them.

DRESS DOWN DAYS (Casual Dress)
*Dress Down Days are a privilege. On dress down days, students may wear casual attire or their school uniform.
● Nice jeans (free from holes), khakis, nice sweatpants and T-shirts are fine. (Bermuda length shorts may be worn in August, September, April, May and June.) (No short shorts- no shorter than 3 inches above the knee)
● Sneakers may be worn. (Due to safety issues, sandals, crocs, and flip-flops may not be worn.)
● Tops with spaghetti straps that don’t cover the shoulders, or tops that don’t cover the midriff are not acceptable.
● No inappropriate slogan apparel or accessories may be worn.
● No jewelry or makeup as per the regular uniform dress code.
On special spirit days, colors to be worn may be designated. If a student does not wear the appropriate color or clothing, the parent will be called to bring appropriate clothing, or we will supply the student with a uniform.

Occasionally, we will have a “dress-up” day. Any child coming to school dressed inappropriately will be sent to the Used Uniform Shop for a uniform to wear.The following are general guidelines on these days:
Girls: Dress, skirt, blouse, dress slacks, (skorts/walking shorts, during warm weather option, no shorter than 3 inches above knee) and coordinating top or sweater. Leggings or spandex pants may not be worn unless under a dress. No Tank Tops, Belly Tops, Crop Tops may be worn. No tight tops are to be worn to school. This includes spaghetti strap tops or halters. Bottoms and chest area must be covered at all times. Socks, stockings, shoes. (No high heels, clogs, or flip-flops)
Boys: Dress pants, coordinating shirt, or sweater. Absolutely no jeans, baggy pants, or pants worn down around the hips will be permitted. Underwear is NEVER to be showing. During warm weather option, walking shorts are appropriate. (Not shorter than 3 inches above the knee. No long, baggy shorts are permitted.)

As a reward or for fundraising efforts (proceeds benefit our school or a special cause in our community.) , we will sometimes offer a “dress- down” day. Students may wear jeans, sneakers, sweatshirts (NO HOODIES), T-shirts (see below). Jeans must be clean, have no holes, and fit properly. Skintight jeans, jeggings or leggings are not permitted. Bottoms and chest area must be covered at all times. No flip-flops may ever be worn by students. Appropriate T-shirts may be worn. (No obscene sayings, rock groups, or other inappropriate pictures or sayings are permitted.)