5125 Grandview Road, Hanover, PA 17331

Admissions of students without regard to race, color, or religion


[email protected]

5125 Grandview Rd

Hanover, PA 17331

7:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Monday to Friday


[email protected]

5125 Grandview Rd

Hanover, PA 17331

7:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Monday to Friday


St. Joseph Athletic Association

St. Joseph Athletic Association President:  Andy Redding
Email:  [email protected]
Phone:  717-451-0888


Novice Basketball

3rd & 4th Graders play regulation games and tournaments. Fundamentals and teamwork are stressed.  Boys and Girls in 3rd and 4th grade who attend St. Joseph School or the St. Joseph Parish SRI program are invited to join.

JV Basketball

5th & 6th Graders play regulation games and tournaments.  Boys and Girls in 5th and 6th grades who attend St. Joseph School or the St. Joseph Parish SRI program are invited to join.

Varsity Basketball

7th & 8th Graders play very competitive games in the Diocese of Harrisburg CYO.  Diocesan-wide CYO Tournaments begin and end the season.


Open to all students in grades 1-8 who attend St. Joseph School or the St. Joseph Parish SRI program.  The team cheers for boys and girls basketball games.  Practice is once a week and no experience is needed.

Girls in 4th thru 6th grade are invited to join our volleyball team.  St. Joseph has a long history of successful seasons.  We have not only won championships but we have been successful as a community working together.
Girls in 7th & 8th grades are invited to join the Delone Catholic volleyball team.

Boys in 7th & 8th grades are invited to join the Delone Catholic football team.

Cross Country
Boys and girls in 5th thru 8th grade are invited to join the Delone Catholic Cross Country team.  5th & 6th grade students train with the team for skill-building and 7th & 8th grade students compete as part of the team.

Everyone is welcome and needed.  The success of these programs depend on each family’s participation in the program.  Volunteers are required for home games and tournaments held at the St. Joseph gym.  Each registered child’s family must volunteer during the season.  The volunteer schedule will be sent home before the season starts.  Helpers can be parents, grandparents or high school age siblings for service hours.  We will have another winning season if we all work together.